IWP Papaderos Georgios SA


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We aim to create awareness and influence our clients about corporate sustainability.
We aim to create awareness and influence our clients about corporate sustainability.

ISPM 15- Heat treatment

Recognizing the strong need of the market for exports, IWP has been certified by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food for the disinfestation of all kinds of wooden packaging in accordance with ISPM 15. The international standard ISPM 15 defines the internationally recognized phytosanitary measures of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), required to eliminate the risk of the introduction and spread of pathogenic microorganisms in wooden packaging.

BMSB Heat treatment

IWP is certified by the Ministry of Rural Development & Food to eradicate the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) and is one of the few companies in Greece that has been included in the list of approved insecticides (Offshore BMSB Providers Scheme). Australian law requires the issuance of a BMSB certificate for any timber or export product destined for Australia or New Zealand.

Eco-Repair Program

Do you have a stock of used pallets? IWP collects excess pallets on site. We can pick up, repair, and return your pallets in a timely manner, offering quality repairs to your specifications. Pallets not meeting your specifications for reuse can be purchased.


Logistics are a major competitive factor for any company. Our expertise and knowledge of the movement of products and services enable us to manage your entire logistics procedures. Pallets and other wooden packaging solutions can be maintained within our premises, being always available according to your schedule. Regardless of the order quantity and the location of the client, we are ready to offer solutions for delivery within the shortest possible time.

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